That Wild Colonial Boy Dance

Robert Boulden aka KVT, the descendant, started colouring-in eons ago as a little kid in Bunbury and since 1995 has been a sometime exhibitor in Australia and curator, gallerist, art commentator and bookshop co-owner in Hanoi. Before that, the descendant was a teacher and then a counsellor to adolescents at risk and has had long experience with First Nation People in Australia: some in Canada, and with ethnic minority people in South East Asia.

The descendant firmly believes that art in this time of extreme environmental, genocidal and dystopian crises may well attempt to be confrontational and attempt to hold to account the politicians, companies and corporations who control our legal decision making….

Rob believes that truth telling towards a true Australian history involves honest white tales and recollections - parallel with “blak.”

Before the first brush stroke the descendat referenced George Orwell - “My starting point is always a feeling of partisanship, a sens of injustice. When I sit down to write a book I do not say to myself -’I am going to produce a work of art.’ I write it because there is some lie that I want to expose, some fact to which I want to draw attention…”

The descendant is pretty old and after this Dance will probably shred brushes and squirt out any remaining tubes of paint.


Fuz Caforio - Nature’s Palette

